thunderstruck / ˈθʌn dərˌstrʌk /


thunderstruck 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. overcome with consternation; confounded; astounded: He was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion.
  2. Archaic. struck by a thunderbolt.

thunderstruck 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

amazed, astonished


  1. New York University was not thunderstruck by the news that Sir Harold Acton had left the school his estate when he died in 1994.
  2. Mrs. Ducksmith, who had sat with overwhelmed head in her hands, started bolt upright, and looked at him like one thunderstruck.
  3. They seemed confounded and thunderstruck by their sentence, and the painful accessories of its publicity.
  4. Howell Gruffydd, who had been as thunderstruck as the rest of them, now affected to take a jocular view of the matter.
  5. When I got ready to put up my location notice, I was thunderstruck to find that I had lost my bundle of blanks.
  6. Of them all Frank Merriwell was the only one who did not seem thunderstruck.