thirty-first / ˈθɜr tiˈfɜrst /
thirty-first 的 2 个定义
adj. 形容词 adjective- next after the thirtieth; being the ordinal number for 31.
- being one of 31 equal parts.
n. 名词 noun- a thirty-first part, especially of one.
- the thirty-first member of a series.
- Fluoride first entered an American water supply through a rather inelegant technocratic scheme.
- In the first episode, an officer is shown video of himself shooting and killing a man.
- But since those rosy scenarios were first floated, the California political scene has grown more crowded.
- Thirty-six percent were in favor and 38 percent were opposed.
- Eric Garcetti succeeded Villaraigosa and has received high marks in his first year and a half on the job.
- This is the first and principal point at which we can stanch the wastage of teaching energy that now goes on.
- He was converted and baptized, and was the first Hebrew instructor at Harvard college.
- And I have not had the first morsel of food prepared from this grain offered me since I reached the shores of Europe.
- Now first we shall want our pupil to understand, speak, read and write the mother tongue well.
- I presume the twenty-five or thirty miles at this end is unhealthy, even for natives, but it surely need not be so.