thinnish / ˈθɪn ɪʃ /


thinnish 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. somewhat thin.


  1. She was good-looking enough, in her thinnish, solemn way, but it seemed to me she was kind of overdressed and too grand.
  2. Except in a storm, the night of the open always is thinnish, so you can see after your eyes are used to it.
  3. Chatterton and Kirke White both seem thinnish gruel to us; and even Southey himself is down among the pinch hitters.
  4. All white or brown thick soups must be rather thinnish, lightly adhering to the back of the spoon.
  5. No, he would be what we would describe as a thinnish individual, that is very thin; was wiry rather than bulky muscles.