thin-skinned / ˈθɪnˈskɪnd /


thin-skinned 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a thin skin.
  2. sensitive to criticism, reproach, or rebuff; easily offended; touchy: a thin-skinned poet.

thin-skinned 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

easily hurt


  1. Also, she was tall and thin, too, further adding to the ways she met the physical beauty conventions.
  2. That officer believed my fair-skinned son was white, according to the traffic citation I examined.
  3. “I like decorating my slaves,” she said, referencing the rope, her thin, crimson-coated lips peeling off her front teeth.
  4. So there was that, but from the point and for her whole life, she was such a beautiful brown-skinned woman.
  5. Cheney is relying on some thin evidence to tie Hussein to al-Qaida.
  6. This has a warm though a thin soil, which must be highly favorable to the Vine to induce so exclusive a devotion to it.
  7. The Princess was pale and thin; and, though dressed superbly, seemed fitter for her chamber.
  8. Her thin and narrow hands held the balcony railing rather tightly.
  9. His slight, thin, rather graceless figure seemed suddenly to expand, even to grow taller.
  10. She saw in the chair a thin, broken figure, a drawn brown face, a wreck of a man.