any of several crepuscular or nocturnal wading birds of the family Burhinidae, of the Old World and tropical America, having a thickened joint between the femoral and tibiotarsal bones.
But the people from Valley Stream had such a thick New York accent that was all around me.
Do you think of power suits for men and knee-covering skirts for women?
His chin rested on the thick plastic collar buckled around his neck.
At the highest navigable point of the Congo River, thick jungle creates an impenetrable wall of green around a large island.
Small rooms off its graffiti-covered foyer provide shelter from the thick rain that can unexpectedly, and vengefully, hit.
That his friend had withdrawn, was a pledge of his pacific wishes; and, with a lightened countenance, Louis rose from his knee.
We stumbled along, close up, for the thick-piled clouds still hung their light-obscuring banners over the sky.
The eyebrows were low and thick, the upper lip was sensitive, quivering sometimes as she talked, but the lower was firm and full.
Cystin crystals are colorless, highly refractive, rather thick, hexagonal plates with well-defined edges.
To drop on one knee and level his piece was the work of an instant, but unfortunately he snapped a dry twig in doing so.