theta / ˈθeɪ tə, ˈθi- /


theta 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet.
  2. the consonant sound represented by this letter.


  1. Eta waves aside, rats running in VR also boosted their theta waves compared to those running in the real world.
  2. Similar to previous studies, as the rats ran in both the VR and the real-world track, the team saw theta waves in the hippocampus.
  3. As vice president of Theta, I was tasked with figuring out how to get members more involved.
  4. In Scientology parlance, good news is theta news; entheta is the opposite.
  5. The Gothic alphabet, in fact, as used in this country, had a Theta for expressing in one letter our present t and h conjoined.
  6. The Theta Gammas wrote her down as material for a quaint little, quiet little dig,—not of sorority interest.
  7. We'll go back to 29, and put in sine squared theta minus one equal to z sub four.
  8. In order to make any solution at all possible you have assumed cosine squared theta negligible.
  9. He maintained, however, that he had noticed Theta Cancri as well as the two planets, but without recording its position.