thermopile / ˈθɜr məˌpaɪl /


thermopile 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a device consisting of a number of thermocouples joined in series, used for generating thermoelectric current or for detecting and measuring radiant energy, as from a star.


  1. Indeed, the thermopile in the hands of Lockyer has already made palpable the heat of the fixed stars.
  2. The main use of the thermopile has been in scientific investigations, especially in the science of heat.
  3. Helmholtz takes the case of a circuit of resistance R in which acts an electromotive force due to a battery or thermopile.
  4. Change or apparent change in intensity; observed by energy received by thermopile.
  5. The heat of a match, or the cold of a piece of ice, will produce a current, even if held at some distance from the thermopile.