therefor / ˌðɛərˈfɔr /


therefor 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. for or in exchange for that or this; for it: a refund therefor.


  1. The present bronze coinage came into use December 1st, 1860, and Messrs. Heaton have had several contracts therefor since then.
  2. One who uses another's automobile without consent or knowledge of the owner, may be liable to pay a reasonable hire therefor.
  3. Sometimes one keeps a car for another for accommodation, receiving no compensation therefor.
  4. And if a lessee should sell part of the stock contrary to the lease, the purchaser would be liable therefor.
  5. As it is a quasi public corporation, it must extend its services to all that apply therefor and offer to pay the charges.