thenceforth / ˌðɛnsˈfɔrθ, -ˈfoʊrθ, ˈðɛnsˌfɔrθ, -ˌfoʊrθ /


thenceforth 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. from that time or place onward.

thenceforth 近义词


等同于 then


等同于 thereafter


  1. But thenceforth the insurgent troops became quite uncontrollable and insolent to their officers.
  2. Thenceforth, it ebbed, though it raged madly for a while in the effort to sweep away the obstruction.
  3. Thenceforth he was always a reliable ally of the Spaniards against Moro incursions.
  4. Many retailers followed the lead, and the acceptance of the new medium thenceforth greatly increased.
  5. One presented himself, and it thenceforth became as dangerous to kill a slave as a freeman in Barbadoes.