testa 的定义
plural tes·tae [tes-tee]. /ˈtɛs ti/. Botany.
- the outer, usually hard, integument or coat of a seed.
- The Daily Pic: In 1650, Pietro Testa painted a picture of drowning, then drowned himself.
- Shermantine even tried to persuade deputy DA Testa, the man who sent him to death row, to make a deal.
- “He had over the years made different offerings, and some were really ridiculous,” Testa says.
- Testa says Huckaby's attempts to divert attention from herself show that she was sane.
- Testa—who is tall and intense—says her demeanor led detectives to peg her as a suspect.
- Testa ovato-oblonga valde tumida clausa radiatim costata, costis transverse costato-striatis, auriculis minutis, margine crenato.
- Testa subrotunda convexiuscula rugosa et plicata spiraliter sulcata intus argenteo et rubro margaritacea, spira prominula.
- Testa minuta oblique conica tenuis pellucida linea albida opaca et fasciis coccineis ornata, anfractibus valde convexis.
- Testa ovata, conica fulva rudis spiraliter striata sulcata, spira acuta, fauce livida.
- Testa ovato-conica imperforata purpureo-albida laevigata, anfractibus convexis ultimo subangulato, apertura purpurea unifasciata.