test-market / ˈtɛstˌmɑr kɪt /


test-market 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to offer for sale, usually in a limited area, in order to ascertain and evaluate consumer response.


  1. It may be fun and it may get them paid, until oversaturation ruins our sense for irony and destroys the market for it.
  2. Paperback publishers distributed their titles in African-American neighborhoods because it expanded their market base.
  3. Indeed, Lion Air, with 45 percent of the domestic Indonesian airline market, has swallowed the Fernandes formula whole.
  4. Expensive day care pushes women out of the labor market while men continue to work outside the home.
  5. Mr. Bachner found it by wandering through the market and identified a craftsmen here who works in a tiny booth.
  6. For this use of the voice in the special service of will-power, or propelling force, it is necessary first to test its freedom.
  7. The most promising of the methods which have been devised are cryoscopy, the methylene-blue test, and the phloridzin test.
  8. The phloridzin test consists in the hypodermic injection of a small quantity of phloridzin.
  9. When the days were fine, Jean in his basket assisted at the dramatic performance in the market-place.
  10. Should the vapor not condense well, the test-tube may be immersed in a glass of cold water.