tessera 的定义
plural tes·ser·ae [tes-uh-ree]. /ˈtɛs əˌri/.
- one of the small pieces used in mosaic work.
- a small square of bone, wood, or the like, used in ancient times as a token, tally, ticket, etc.
- The mission would include three orbiters, an aerobot to float in the clouds and a lander that could drill and analyze samples of tessera rocks.
- The tessera, or six-sided figure, bore on its additional faces the numbers two and five.
- Tessera, tes′e-ra, n. one of the small square tiles or cut stones used in forming tessellated pavements:—pl.
- These men are obliged to deliver the tablet (tessera) to the Tribunes before dark.
- So bidding farewell to Petronius, he went hurriedly to the overseer of the "Putrid Pits" for his tessera.
- Let her take my tessera; she can wrap her head in a cloth, cover her shoulders with a mantle, and pass out.