territorial / ˌtɛr ɪˈtɔr i əl, -ˈtoʊr- /


territorial2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to territory or land.
  2. of, pertaining to, associated with, or restricted to a particular territory or district; local.
  3. pertaining or belonging to the territory of a state or ruler.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a member of the British Territorial Army.
  2. a soldier in a territorial army.

territorial 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


territorial 的近义词 4


  1. While no individual infant managed to accrue all 25 syllables used by adults, each of the 20 pups learned the 10 syllables from adult males’ territorial and mating songs.
  2. The thing is that they’re highly territorial and the males will get together and patrol the boundaries of their territory.
  3. Analyzing the origins of this territorial gain places current debates about immigration, the border and even what languages can be taught in schools in a broader perspective.
  4. With only 64 territorial immunization directors in the country, her firing brings the nationwide turnover in immunization directors to nearly 40 percent during the health crisis.
  5. They’re female-dominated and don’t exhibit the same territorial behaviors that chimpanzees do.
  6. He signed a commercial deal favorable to South Korea and reached out to Vietnam following recent territorial disputes.
  7. Tribal, sectarian and territorial conflicts made it a constantly turbulent place, despite the hammer of Ottoman rule.
  8. India is a fellow democracy, and, like Japan, feels acutely vulnerable to Chinese territorial and economic expansionism.
  9. Both countries have supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine without giving Moscow a reason to justify more aggression.
  10. Perhaps he now reckons that once again there will be no serious consequences for his territorial lust.
  11. The name is territorial; and the better opinion is inclined to connect it with Brix, between Cherbourg and Valognes.
  12. Some other stimulus to our Territorial recruiting than the fear of invasion will have to be invented in future.
  13. Like every other English governor, Drury complained of the number of idle men retained by territorial magnates.
  14. At this moment he even reproaches himself for not having accepted a place in the Territorial Bank.
  15. Deputy he would certainly be through the influence of the Territorial Bank, at the head of which he stood.