tent-fly 的定义
- Andrew still plans to fly to Davos in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum on January 21, representing the British government.
- After some animated debate at the conference, Lelaie declared, with some frustration, “If you push on the stick, you will fly.”
- Thus it attracted a wave of cowboy operators to fly passengers and cargo between cities.
- Many of these are small operations that would never, in any case, fly beyond Indonesia.
- Air traffic controllers and pilots together take great care not to fly in conditions that can jeopardize an airplane.
- The Duchess had also a tent for their sick men; so that we had a small town of our own here, and every body employed.
- Two young lovers were exchanging their hearts' yearnings beneath the children's tent, which they had found unoccupied.
- The children possessed themselves of the tent, and Mrs. Pontellier went over to join them.
- It was a sad day for Ramona and Alessandro when the kindly Hyers pulled up their tent-stakes and left the valley.
- Aristide darted off like a dragon-fly in the sunshine, as happy as a child with a new toy.