telson / ˈtɛl sən /


telson 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the last segment, or an appendage of the last segment, of certain arthropods, as the middle flipper of a lobster's tail.


  1. The appendages on the next to last segment are divided and broadly flattened, forming with the telson a powerful swimming-paddle.
  2. The sixth segment of the abdomen has a pair of biramous appendages, which, with the telson, form a swimming-fan.
  3. Telson, tel′son, n. the last somite of the pleon or abdomen of certain crustaceans and arachnidans.
  4. Among the last, looking about anxiously for a place to stand and watch the big race, are Telson and Parson, arm-in-arm.
  5. The cheers, of course, all round the field are tremendous, and nowhere more exciting than where Telson and Parson are located.