tellurous / ˈtɛl yər əs, tɛˈlʊər əs /


tellurous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. containing tetravalent tellurium.


  1. Telluric acid is reduced to tellurous (with evolution of chlorine) on boiling with hydrochloric acid.
  2. This solution is colorless, and is tellurous acid, dissolved in sulphuric acid.
  3. Tellurous Acid (TeO2) is of a fine, granulous, crystalline or white earthy mass, which is partly soluble in water.
  4. With carbonate of soda, tellurous acid fuses upon platinum wire to a clear colorless bead, which is white when cold.
  5. Heated still more strongly, it becomes milk-white, oxygen is expelled, and it is converted into tellurous acid.