Also called ex·ter·nal ra·di·a·tion ther·a·py[ik-stur-nl rey-dee-ey-shuhn ther-uh-pee] /ɪkˈstɜr nl ˌreɪ diˈeɪ ʃən ˌθɛr ə pi/ . treatment of disease using radiation whose source is some distance from the body.
Also called tel·e·psy·chol·o·gy[tel-uh-sahy-kol-uh-jee] /ˌtɛl ə saɪˈkɒl ə dʒi/ . psychological counseling or psychotherapy by videoconferencing, text messaging, email, or telephone.
Amid the pandemic, roughly three-quarters of psychologists in the US shifted to teletherapy, usually via videoconferencing.
That’s understandable, given elevated levels of anxiety, depression and stress during the pandemic, but it also suggests teletherapy is not a panacea.
For years, teletherapy has been pitched as the next frontier in mental-health care.
If there was ever a time for teletherapy to shine, it was during the pandemic.
Plus, teletherapy is only convenient if you’re able to step away from work and other responsibilities to conduct the call in a private place.