telegraphic / ˌtɛl ɪˈgræf ɪk /


telegraphic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to the telegraph.
  2. concise, clipped, or elliptical in style: telegraphic speech.


  1. Yet McMurtry writes in a telegraphic style that does in sentences what others do in pages.
  2. In Traffic, the so-called white slavers use a telegraphic pen to communicate.
  3. In our "List of firms which must have a telegraphic address" Mr. Brown takes a high place.
  4. A cable connecting Mombasa with Zanzibar puts the protectorate in direct telegraphic communication with the rest of the world.
  5. At each telegraphic station the clerks transmitted messages delivered to them, delaying for State dispatches alone.
  6. Was there anything in youh trip to Strathcona to warrant Sheila's little telegraphic dangeh signal, Graham?
  7. This telegraphic signal was immediately understood by the party, that consequently came on towards us.