tegmen 的定义
plural teg·mi·na [teg-muh-nuh]. /ˈtɛg mə nə/.
- a cover, covering, or integument.
- Botany. the delicate inner integument or coat of a seed.
- one of a pair of leathery forewings that forms a protective covering for the hind wings.
- The tegmen tympani are much reduced and maintain only cartilaginous contact with the posterior arms of the squamosals.
- Its roof, the tegmen tympani, is continuous with that of the attic.
- Thus, if the procedure be carried out through the tegmen tympani, the brain is explored in an upward direction.
- In this case the Anal Area of one Tegmen covers that of the other.
- Tegmen: a covering: sometimes used for the anterior wings in Orthoptera and Neuroptera.