teetotal / tiˈtoʊt l, ˈtiˌtoʊt l /


teetotal2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to, advocating, or pledged to total abstinence from intoxicating drink.
  2. Informal. absolute; complete.
v. 无主动词 verb

tee·to·taled, tee·to·tal·ing or tee·to·talled, tee·to·tal·ling.

  1. to practice teetotalism.


  1. The teetotal apostle says it is a dreadful thing to be drunk.
  2. They listened to some foolish women's cackle—teetotal cant, I call it—and refused me anything.
  3. But' (regretfully) 'ye'll no' can get it here; an' a'm thinkin' a'll juist sign yon teetotal thing.'
  4. The teetotal attitude of mind and the quarrels it aroused very properly disgusted Kingsley.
  5. My poor wife runs teetotal salons in Chelsea on the strength of my name.