teethe / tið /


teethe 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb

teethed, teeth·ing.

  1. to grow teeth; cut one's teeth.


  1. Dey say a bone dey finds in de jawbone of a hog will make chillun teethe easy.
  2. Yellow root will cure sore throat and a tea made from sheep droppings will make babies teethe easily.
  3. We used to use nine red ants tied in a sack round they neck to make 'em teethe easy and never had no trouble with 'em neither.
  4. Some babies is jus' natchelly gwine to teethe easier dan others anyhow.
  5. Some folkses hung de left hind foot of a mole on a string 'round deir babies necks to make 'em teethe easier.