teaspoonful / ˈti spunˌfʊl /


teaspoonful 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural tea·spoon·fuls.

  1. the amount a teaspoon can hold.
  2. a volumetric measure equal to 1/6 fluid ounce; 1/3 tablespoonful. Abbreviations: t., tsp.


  1. A teaspoonful of unslaked lime dissolved in a pint of warm water, shaken and given immediately.
  2. Thin gruel, in teaspoonful doses, once in half an hour, is best.
  3. Drop on it at equal distances a small teaspoonful of currant jelly.
  4. Another remedy: give a teaspoonful of castor oil; next day give raw meat, dusted over with flowers of sulphur.
  5. A teaspoonful of it is said to be one of the very best emetics in croup.