tear-stained / ˈtɪərˌsteɪnd /


tear-stained 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. marked or wet with tears: a tear-stained letter.
  2. showing traces of tears or signs of having wept: tear-stained cheeks.


  1. Sam watches her fall apart, tear herself apart and is desperate.
  2. And then he went on a tear in early 2013, creating one provocation after another, seemingly every day for more than two months.
  3. It may be that some hagiographer yet to come will find the stained sheets of fact and memory amid his papers.
  4. The carpet is stained from the door to the window with red wine.
  5. As Kate was driven away, she appeared to wipe a tear from her eye.
  6. Louis turned at the exclamation, and looked on the faithful servant; but no tear was in his eye, no sound on his lip.
  7. By what word is the relation between “pendulum” and “a smile and tear” described?
  8. The differential count is best made upon a film stained with Wright's, Jenner's, or Ehrlich's stain.
  9. In the tear-stained story of humanity there has never been aught to surpass the thrilling record of Cawnpore.
  10. Nuclei and certain other structures in the blood are stained by the basic dyes, and are hence called basophilic.