team-teach / ˈtimˌtitʃ /


team-teach 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb

team-taught [teem-tawt], /ˈtimˌtɔt/, team-teach·ing.

  1. to teach as a team.


  1. But if Democrats are faced with the reality of a glut of qualified candidates, Republicans are assembling more of a fantasy team.
  2. Weeks retained an unparalleled legal team, which included bitter political rivals Hamilton and Burr.
  3. But I think Steve Austin has to team up with a Japanese holdout to stop a nuclear bomb from going off or something.
  4. The following page details a tribute gag the Simpsons team inserted into the background of a scene.
  5. Alpha Team was killed, Faal told the FBI, while the Bravo members who were not gunned down fled.
  6. “It means, my dear, that the Dragoons and the 60th will have to teach these impudent rebels a much-needed lesson,” said her uncle.
  7. Woe to the man that first did teach the cursed steel to bite in his own flesh, and make way to the living spirit.
  8. Sherwood often wavers between him and Kullak, and Deppe would like to teach Sherwood if he could, simply out of interest for him.
  9. I've tried to teach lots of folks; an' sum learns quick, an' some don't never learn; it's jest 's 't strikes 'em.
  10. These strange things that Alf has been trying to teach me during the long nights I have learned—I understand.