team-teach 的定义
team-taught [teem-tawt], /ˈtimˌtɔt/, team-teach·ing.
- But if Democrats are faced with the reality of a glut of qualified candidates, Republicans are assembling more of a fantasy team.
- Weeks retained an unparalleled legal team, which included bitter political rivals Hamilton and Burr.
- But I think Steve Austin has to team up with a Japanese holdout to stop a nuclear bomb from going off or something.
- The following page details a tribute gag the Simpsons team inserted into the background of a scene.
- Alpha Team was killed, Faal told the FBI, while the Bravo members who were not gunned down fled.
- “It means, my dear, that the Dragoons and the 60th will have to teach these impudent rebels a much-needed lesson,” said her uncle.
- Woe to the man that first did teach the cursed steel to bite in his own flesh, and make way to the living spirit.
- Sherwood often wavers between him and Kullak, and Deppe would like to teach Sherwood if he could, simply out of interest for him.
- I've tried to teach lots of folks; an' sum learns quick, an' some don't never learn; it's jest 's 't strikes 'em.
- These strange things that Alf has been trying to teach me during the long nights I have learned—I understand.