teal / til /


teal 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural teals, teal for 1.

  1. any of several species of small dabbling ducks, of worldwide distribution, usually traveling in tight flocks and frequenting ponds and marshes.
  2. Also called teal blue . a medium to dark greenish blue.

teal 近义词


等同于 blue


  1. Accounts of the event describe a sea of speakers and attendees wearing teal scarves signifying their association with the advocacy group Even the Score.
  2. The vehicle I borrowed sported an understated teal paint job, although the official color, in McLaren’s lingo, is “Serpentine.”
  3. Most notable, however, is the legendary teal pantsuit Clinton wore when she was sworn in as senator.
  4. And she even matched her manicure to her outfit, flashing nails that were a shade of teal.
  5. The hair is most definitely UP, and gone are the usual greys and whites and in its place a shocking aqua-marine teal.
  6. One sweater, in particular, a short-sleeve, shrunken crewneck, was charmingly marked by teardrop-shaped dollops of teal blue.
  7. English-speaking readers will now be able to enjoy for the first time The True Deceiver, translated by Thomas Teal.
  8. Cut up the duck or teal, and put it into the sauce, and let it simmer for a long time—the duck having been previously roasted.
  9. Take three teal, season the birds with salt and cayenne, and divide them into neat pieces.
  10. Widgeon may be cooked in as many ways as teal, using the same recipes, substituting widgeon for teal.
  11. A teal builds its nest on her knee, and lays eggs (177-212).
  12. Wasula was as pretty and free as a teal-duck, or a mink with its slender, graceful body and small face.