te-hee / tiˈhi /


te-hee 的定义


  1. The other two are da—meaning father—and te—an alternate spelling of ti.
  2. To Connolly and Morris, Bulger was a TE, or top-echelon informant, the highest designation in the Bureau for a snitch.
  3. The lazy among us would say the Tony Awards because—tee hee—gays love musical theater and Patti LuPone and jazz hands and UGH.
  4. Castro recalled the tender moment when he whispered, “Que Dios te bendiga,” or “May God bless you,” to his only child.
  5. TE Lawrence, for example, finally recognised “that I could not sincerely take on the Arab skin,” and the same is true of Paddy.
  6. Note the original line: 'Ne fu fardee ne guignie'; and again in l. 2180: 'Mais ne te farde ne guigne.'
  7. But the F. text has te contendras, which perhaps means 'shalt struggle.'
  8. Tis the first mony aduocate ere gaue backe,Though hee sayd nothing.
  9. What an electuary found my father out for his daughter, when hee compounded you two my women?
  10. Aristoxenus promises to treat of Systems, 'and among them of the perfect System' (peri te tn alln kai tou teleiou).