te-hee / tiˈhi /
te-hee 的定义
- The other two are da—meaning father—and te—an alternate spelling of ti.
- To Connolly and Morris, Bulger was a TE, or top-echelon informant, the highest designation in the Bureau for a snitch.
- The lazy among us would say the Tony Awards because—tee hee—gays love musical theater and Patti LuPone and jazz hands and UGH.
- Castro recalled the tender moment when he whispered, “Que Dios te bendiga,” or “May God bless you,” to his only child.
- TE Lawrence, for example, finally recognised “that I could not sincerely take on the Arab skin,” and the same is true of Paddy.
- Note the original line: 'Ne fu fardee ne guignie'; and again in l. 2180: 'Mais ne te farde ne guigne.'
- But the F. text has te contendras, which perhaps means 'shalt struggle.'
- Tis the first mony aduocate ere gaue backe,Though hee sayd nothing.
- What an electuary found my father out for his daughter, when hee compounded you two my women?
- Aristoxenus promises to treat of Systems, 'and among them of the perfect System' (peri te tn alln kai tou teleiou).