tazza / ˈtɑt sə; Italian ˈtɑt tsɑ /


tazza 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural taz·zas, Italian taz·ze [taht-tse]. /ˈtɑt tsɛ/.

  1. a shallow, saucerlike, ornamental bowl, often having handles and usually on a high base or pedestal.


  1. Tazza, tat′sa, n. a shallow vessel mounted on a foot: a saucer-shaped bowl.
  2. Tazza of pure gold, 0m.12 high, in the shape of a Greek "skyphos," with handles ending with winged male figures.
  3. This Tazza, as well as the famous obelisks, were brought to Rome.
  4. The most famous are the Farnese Tazza and the cup of the Ptolemies.
  5. Beads and amulets, and a broken Tazza (table) in pottery, all of different periods, were here unearthed.