tattersall / ˈtæt ərˌsɔl, -səl /


tattersall2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a pattern of squares formed by colored crossbars on a solid-color, usually light background.
  2. a fabric with this pattern.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having this pattern or made of such fabric: a tattersall vest.


  1. Betty and I began our daily visits to the women and children at the Wanderers' and Tattersall's to-day.
  2. In the middle of it all sat Bailey, in his black-and-yellow checkered tattersall, smoking a large cigar.
  3. The servants were gone, and the horses were advertised at Tattersall's already.
  4. There is a first-class scene of a sale at Tattersall's, and a very realistic view of the finish at the Derby.
  5. Charles James Fox was one of the most regular patrons of Tattersall's sales.