tartar / ˈtɑr tər /


tartar 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Dentistry. calculus.
  2. the deposit from wines, potassium bitartrate.
  3. the intermediate product of cream of tartar, obtained from the crude form, argol.


  1. The VOHC-accepted chews also include delmopinol, which creates a barrier to stop bacteria that causes bad breath, tartar, and plaque buildup.
  2. As dogs chew on these specially designed treats, they actively scrape away plaque and tartar buildup, just like you do when you brush your teeth.
  3. In the longer term, she sees big strides in preventing tartar build-up and halting receding gums.
  4. To assemble taco place escabeche, fish and tartar sauce in a tortilla and garnish with cilantro and lime.
  5. For tartar sauce combine diced onions and jalapenos with mayo and mix well.
  6. Try adding a pinch of cream of tartar to the whites for a similar effect.
  7. Dissolve the sugar, water and cream of tartar in a saucepan over a low heat.
  8. If thus used two or three days in succession it will effectually loosen tartar, even of long standing.
  9. A simple mixture of charcoal and cream of tartar is an excellent tooth-powder.
  10. A carriage forcibly stopped in the Rue Royale, and in broad daylight—only this Tartar would have dared such a stroke as that!
  11. Twelve hundred of them did better service against the Tartar than twelve thousand Russians with their short bows and arrows.
  12. Osman, the ruling bashaw, although a Turk, was a regular Tartar to deal with.