tarsal / ˈtɑr səl /


tarsal2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to the tarsus of the foot.
  2. pertaining to the tarsi of the eyelids.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a tarsal bone, joint, or the like.


  1. There are no Birds in which the tarsal bones remain separated and distinct throughout life.
  2. Shortening the eyelid by excision of a portion of the tarsal plate.
  3. The chief articulating parts are the tibia with the tibial tarsal bone (astragulus).
  4. Sprains of the mesial tarsal ligaments cause lameness somewhat similar to that of spavin.
  5. However, in every instance if there is involvement of the tibial tarsal (astragalus) bone, complete recovery is highly improbable.