tarantula / təˈræn tʃə lə /


tarantula 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ta·ran·tu·las, ta·ran·tu·lae [tuh-ran-chuh-lee]. /təˈræn tʃəˌli/.

  1. any of several large, hairy spiders of the family Theraphosidae, as Aphonopelma chalcodes, of the southwestern U.S., having a painful but not highly venomous bite.
  2. any of various related spiders.
  3. a large wolf spider, Lycosa tarantula, of southern Europe, having a bite once thought to be the cause of tarantism.

tarantula 近义词


等同于 arachnid

tarantula 的近义词 4


  1. Spiders such as tarantulas have a different tactic for catching snakes.
  2. “Often a tarantula tries to catch the snake by the head and will hold on in spite of all efforts of the snake to shake him off,” says Nyffeler.
  3. The tarantula, like many other members of the spider family, is an expert in the making of burrows.
  4. The Tarantula is in her own house, with all its conveniences; every nook and corner of the bastion is familiar to her.
  5. The natives of the island hold the old tradition of the ancients, that one bitten by a tarantula will dance himself to death.
  6. Have you ever seen, by-the-bye, that extraordinary Highland tarantula called the reel of Tullich?
  7. The tarantula spider is a relation of the six-footed farmers, you should know, although he is not an insect himself.