tapis 的定义
plural tap·is.
- Obsolete. a carpet, tapestry, or other covering.
- “I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis,” the letter reads.
- She was therefore prepared to sustain her part in the drama Routemberg was bringing on the tapis.
- Viollet-le-Duc says that the “Saracinois” was a term applied to the makers of velvety carpets (tapis veloutés).
- With Mrs. Van Varick on the tapis, Tommie is safe from designing ladies who might marry him for his money.
- There is sure to be some large picnic, some delightful gathering on the "tapis," when they choose to exhibit their griefs.
- And then, at last, that future day was absolutely brought on the tapis as though now to be named.