tapioca-plant / ˌtæp iˈoʊ kəˌplænt, -ˌplɑnt /


tapioca-plant 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the cassava, Manihot esculenta.


  1. His most recommended plant was tree ivy—its juices sprayed up the nostrils.
  2. There was Petr Miller, a forgeman from the Prague ČKD plant.
  3. His first feature film, Jellyfish Eyes, debuted last year and was set in a town near a threatening nuclear power plant.
  4. Same for driveway pavers and meat and poultry plant workers.
  5. Some of those songs now have names other than Page and Robert Plant in their credits.
  6. As there are still many varieties of the plant grown in America, so there doubtless was when cultivated by the Indians.
  7. The plant as a whole remains green until late in the autumn.
  8. The Smooth Naked Horsetail is a common plant, specially by the sides of streams and pools.
  9. The relation existing between the balmy plant and the commerce of the world is of the strongest kind.
  10. Tobacco is a strong growing plant resisting heat and drought to a far (p. 018) greater extent than most plants.