tantivy / tænˈtɪv i /


tantivy4 个定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. at full gallop: to ride tantivy.
adj. 形容词 adjective
n. 名词 noun

plural tan·tiv·ies.

  1. a gallop; rush.
interj. 感叹词 interjection


  1. The wild tantivy boy had vanished, and the sobriquet of "Tavern Knight" was fast becoming a misnomer.
  2. In the common-room one day sat as merry a company of carousers as ever gladdened the soul of an old tantivy boy.
  3. Is it strange that I became known as the wildest tantivy boy that rode with the King?
  4. The schooner “Tantivy” of this port went ashore on Kessingland beach during a dense snowstorm.
  5. He was a Tory of the highest sort, such as in the cant of his age was called a Tantivy.