synechia / sɪˈnɛk i ə, -ˈni ki ə, ˌsɪn ɪˈkaɪ ə /


synechia 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural syn·ech·i·ae [si-nek-ee-ee, -nee-kee-ee, sin-i-kahy-ee]. /sɪˈnɛk iˌi, -ˈni kiˌi, ˌsɪn ɪˈkaɪ i/. Medicine/Medical, Pathology.

  1. any adhesion of parts of the body, as of the iris to the cornea.


  1. The incision is made at the limbus in a favourable situation for the division of the synechia.
  2. Synechia, sin-e-kī′a, n. morbid adhesion between the iris and the cornea.
  3. If the iris lies in contact with the sclera and cornea for some time, it becomes adherent (peripheral anterior synechia).