syndic / ˈsɪn dɪk /


syndic 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person chosen to represent and transact business for a corporation, as a university.
  2. a civil magistrate having different powers in different countries.


  1. Yet, despite his recognition by the Syndic de la Haute Couture, very few in the west have heard of Valentin Yudashkin.
  2. Thus Callixtus became the syndic of the public cemetery of the church, which still bears his name.
  3. The Syndic of Tours is not accustomed to be thus talked to by strolling jesters from foreign parts.
  4. M. Chouet, at that time first syndic, wrote me a polite but very cold letter, which will be found amongst my papers.
  5. The Syndic turned to the student, and licked his lips, his features more pinched than usual.
  6. The young man bowed and waited, standing where he was, until the bustle attending the Syndic's departure had quite died away.