syncretism / ˈsɪŋ krɪˌtɪz əm, ˈsɪn- /


syncretism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the attempted reconciliation or union of different or opposing principles, practices, or parties, as in philosophy or religion.
  2. Grammar. the merging, as by historical change in a language, of two or more categories in a specified environment into one, as, in nonstandard English, the use of was with both singular and plural subjects, while in standard English was is used with singular subjects and were with plural subjects.


  1. His mysticism and syncretism were things that precisely Christianity cannot reproach him with.
  2. And it is here especially that we notice the syncretism which is peculiar to him.
  3. There appears to be a very early example of syncretism in p. 49Australia.
  4. Pupils under 16 were assigned the topic Syncretism in the later pagan movement.
  5. Those which now pass for Christian in western Europe are the result of the syncretism of two thousand years.