synapsis 的定义
plural syn·ap·ses [si-nap-seez]. /sɪˈnæp siz/.
- The synapses, while processing this new data—what we call “learning”—also update their state to encode and store the new information.
- Another method uses synapses, which fine-tunes the degree a neuron can transmit the data and store them at the same time, using “states.”
- The term refers to the brain chemical dopamine’s ability, in addition to transmitting signals across synapses, to enter a cell’s nucleus and control specific genes.
- Given the billions of synapses firing away in our heads, it’ll be a challenge to find-and-replace those that need replacement, and be able to control our memories and behaviors similar to natural ones.
- Yet until now, capturing how these synapses change as we move through time has been nearly impossible.
- From this synapsis the lower neurone proceeds, its axons travelling to the anterior horn and arborising around the motor cells.
- There is in the male, in addition to the X, also a Y chromosome, which acts as its mate in synapsis and reduction.
- The true synapsis occurs, as shown in figure 213, by pairing of like chromosomes side by side.
- Anaphase of same, showing synapsis of chromosomes at pole of spindle, and element x.
- The method of synapsis in Coptocycla is like that described for Chelymorpha argus.