sympatric / sɪmˈpæ trɪk, -ˈpeɪ- /


sympatric 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

Biology, Ecology.

  1. originating in or occupying the same geographical area.


  1. Consequently, in some areas it is sympatric with S. cyanosticta and phaeota.
  2. Trionyx ferox in the northern part of its range is sympatric with T. spinifer asper.
  3. Interfertility between two sympatric fishes, Notropis lutrensis and Notropis venustus.
  4. Southern pygmy mice at high altitudes average larger than those from low elevations, except where the two species are sympatric.
  5. Syrrhophus cystignathoides and leprus are apparently sympatric in central Veracruz.