syllabification / sɪˈlæb əˌfaɪ /


syllabification 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

syl·lab·i·fied, syl·lab·i·fy·ing.

  1. to form or divide into syllables.

syllabification 近义词


等同于 pronunciation


  1. As such they are the carriers of practically all significant differences in stress, pitch, and syllabification.
  2. I mean to say that the sound was one of distinct—of even wonderfully, thrillingly distinct—syllabification.
  3. Madmen are of some nation, and their language, however incoherent in its words, has always the coherence of syllabification.
  4. His attention is called to syllabification as well as to diacritical marks.
  5. What he said was unintelligible, but words were uttered; the syllabification was distinct.