surd / sɜrd /


surd2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Phonetics. voiceless.
  2. Mathematics. not capable of being expressed in rational numbers; irrational.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Phonetics. a voiceless consonant.
  2. Mathematics. a surd quantity.

surd 近义词


等同于 voiceless


  1. Absurd, ab-surd′, adj. obviously unreasonable or false: ridiculous.
  2. Again, he points out that the surd aspirate h is heard in some languages, but is hardly audible in others.
  3. Surdimū′tism, the condition of being deaf and dumb; Surd′ity, want of sonant quality.
  4. The terms sonant and surd are, in a scientific point of view, the least exceptionable.
  5. The problems have a surd or irrational element in them; and to solve them would be to bring reason into collision with itself.