supplies / səˈplaɪ /


supplies3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

sup·plied, sup·ply·ing.

  1. to furnish or provide with what is lacking or requisite: to supply someone clothing; to supply a community with electricity.
  2. to furnish or provide: to supply electricity to a community.
  3. to make up, compensate for, or satisfy: The TVA supplied the need for cheap electricity.
  4. to fill or occupy as a substitute, as a vacancy, a pulpit, etc.: During the summer local clergymen will supply the pulpit.
v. 无主动词 verb

sup·plied, sup·ply·ing.

  1. to fill the place of another, especially the pulpit of a church, temporarily or as a substitute: Who will supply until the new minister arrives?
n. 名词 noun

plural sup·plies.

  1. the act of supplying, furnishing, providing, satisfying, etc.: to begin the supply of household help.
  2. something that is supplied: The storm cut off our water supply.
  3. a quantity of something on hand or available, as for use; a stock or store: Did you see our new supply of shirts?

supplies 近义词

n. 名词 noun

equipment, provisions


  1. When cities started adding chlorine to their water supplies, in the early 1900s, it set off public outcry.
  2. Her business started in a suitcase, where she kept her supplies.
  3. A Michigan-based company that supplies fasteners to the hardware store, home center, and industrial markets.
  4. She was detained after rebels found photos on her tablet computer showing supplies she gave to Ukrainian fighters.
  5. Manufacturing merchandise, publicity (a radio ad in SF, Facebook ads, venue specific advertising), supplies, shipping.
  6. This vessel, loaded with supplies, went ashore and was lost; and one hundred and twenty Japanese and three Dutchmen were drowned.
  7. Napoleon himself arrived at Wrzburg on October 2nd, and found his army concentrated, but deficient of supplies.
  8. This would be very useful and convenient for sending supplies thence to Terrenate, during the whole year.
  9. About the same time it was discovered that the boats had neither oars, nor rudders, nor supplies of food.
  10. All were badly and insufficiently fed, as much from disorganized commissariat arrangements as from actual want of supplies.