suppertime / ˈsʌp ərˌtaɪm /


suppertime 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the time at which supper is served, usually between the hours of 5 and 7 p.m.


  1. We wont go far, Virginia said, it will be suppertime shortly and I know you wouldnt want to miss it.
  2. Camp was not only close, but had not yet reached suppertime, Bud guessed from the well-known range signs.
  3. I used to slip away from home alone, along toward suppertime, and pay the Judge a visit.
  4. You can use the big double room, there are two beds in it, and turn in till suppertime.
  5. At suppertime, when Dave Cowan came, he was wetting the shorn sward with spray from a hose.