superfine / ˌsu pərˈfaɪn /


superfine 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. extra fine, as in grain or texture; unusually fine: superfine sugar.
  2. extra fine in quality.
  3. excessively refined; overnice: superfine manners.


  1. Ibex’s Natural brief doesn’t feel as soft as cotton, but it’s made of superfine merino wool, and once I’ve got it on, I can’t even tell I’m wearing it.
  2. This cookie emerged from its package with a coat of superfine cookie grit dusted across its surface.
  3. Next moment Tommy burst upon their vision in a full suit of superfine blue with brass buttons!
  4. Angel's wife felt almost as if she had been hounded up that hill like a scorned thing by those—to her—superfine clerics.
  5. There was nothing of the dandy about Edison, He boasted no jewelled fingers or superfine raiment.
  6. He consulted with the cook and gave Leo a capital little dinner, together with a bottle of superfine Burgundy.
  7. With so many yards of superfine black cloth, he will give you the tone of good society and the exterior of a gentleman.