sunstruck / ˈsʌnˌstrʌk /


sunstruck 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. affected with sunstroke.


  1. And by midnight he had the star on his hands: sunstruck, it was suspected: in reality as mad as a man could be.
  2. The fathers in four of these cases had been temperate, industrious, and affectionate ere being sunstruck.
  3. Do two Americans, a half-breed beggar, and a local coachman get sunstruck at one and the same time?
  4. I don't know whether they were sunstruck, or what kind of struck, but they were weak about the knees, some of them.
  5. There was complaint from all quarters that the men were exhausted, and some seemed to be sunstruck.