sunburn / ˈsʌnˌbɜrn /


sunburn2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. inflammation of the skin caused by overexposure to the sun or a sunlamp.
v. 无主动词 verb

sun·burned or sun·burnt, sun·burn·ing.

  1. to affect or be affected with sunburn: An hour in the sun sunburned me severely. I sunburn easily.


  1. UVA light causes wrinkles and other markers of aging, while UVB light is the primary cause of sunburn.
  2. To make matters worse, alcohol also makes your skin more vulnerable to sunburn.
  3. As the summer amps us up and we crave fun, but maybe not the kind that causes sunburn, it’s mostly a list of really entertaining things you might have missed that I think you should catch up on.
  4. Just because you may not see a sunburn doesn’t mean your skin is damage-free.
  5. From acne scars to sunburns, everything can present differently in skin of color, so we’re going to help you find a dermatologist who gets it and give you a few questions you should ask at your next appointment.
  6. The SunSprite has a UV sensor, which warns you when the rays get intense enough to cause sunburn.
  7. Here's one way to avoid a sunburn: wear a Face-Kini next time you're on the beach.
  8. His complexion was so reddened and darkened by sunburn that his untanned forehead looked unnaturally white and delicate.
  9. His teeth were clenched; his face, through the sunburn, livid; the blue of his eyes seemed to have faded into an ashen grey.
  10. The other had gone quite white, or at any rate as white as his bronze sunburn would allow.
  11. Bart wondered, suddenly and worriedly, about the effects of green sunburn on his chemically altered skin tone.
  12. His nose was peeled from sunburn, but his round and rubicund face fairly oozed good humour.