a substance that provides a high degree of protection against sunburn, often preventing most tanning as well as burning, as by obstructing the penetration of ultraviolet rays.
a lotion, cream, etc., containing such a substance.
Oh, and even if you have dark skin, you should still be using sunblock.
This means applying the correct amount of sunblock—it’s more than you think—and reapplying every two to three hours.
Fortunately, there are skin-care options to help combat sun and water exposure that go beyond chalky mineral sunblock, dehydrating natural soap, and products that leave toxic deposits in our waterways.
I remember going to the doctor and they told me I needed to start wearing sunblock, and even then, my parents treated it like it was not a big deal.
I, for one, will be sticking with high-strength sunblock and a giant umbrella.
If ever you need a reminder to bring sunblock with you, this is it.
Grab some sangria and sunblock and head to Spain, where a relaxing getaway with an exciting culinary scene is calling your name.