a form of wrestling in Japan in which a contestant wins by forcing his opponent out of the ring or by causing him to touch the ground with any part of his body other than the soles of his feet, contestants usually being men of great height and weight.
“I kind of like to think of them as sumo wrestlers,” says Rachel Keefe, a biology doctoral student at the University of Florida.
Kyo pledged to use all his power and political connections to help make sure Sumo was an Olympic event by 2008.
The Sumo Association pledged to end yakuza ties the same year.
The droll commercials include a current one for a Japanese bank in which Brad Pitt dines with a Sumo wrestler.
Al fin intima al Sumo Pontfice que renuncie al gobierno temporal de los Estados romanos.
Sero clypeum post vulnera sumo—I am too late in taking my shield after being wounded.