sulfa / ˈsʌl fə /


sulfa2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. related chemically to sulfanilamide.
  2. pertaining to, consisting of, or involving a sulfa drug or drugs.
n. 名词 noun


  1. Her father, her mother said on the phone, had fallen into a coma after his kidneys failed in response to a sulfa drug.
  2. With it came a breeze that pushed sulfa powder through their hair and made the edges of their nostrils sting.
  3. They decided that, initially at least, sulfa-tetradine was a miraculous success.
  4. The effect of penicillin and certain sulfa drugs on the intracellular bacteroids of the cockroach.
  5. Had to try a new derivative, Sylvester, but the sulfa series was the right approach.
  6. It contained sulfa pills, powder for dusting, and other medicines.