subcutaneous / ˌsʌb kyuˈteɪ ni əs /


subcutaneous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. situated or lying under the skin, as tissue.
  2. performed or introduced under the skin, as an injection by a syringe.
  3. living below the several layers of the skin, as certain parasites.


  1. Two types of belly fat, subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, accumulate in your abdomen, but they look and act very differently.
  2. For these reasons, subcutaneous fat is thought of as safer – even protective against metabolic disease.
  3. The implants may stay in place but the skin around it will wrinkle and sag as the loss of subcutaneous fat takes place.
  4. After subcutaneous or local application, a dilatation neutralised by physostigmine in moderate doses.
  5. To these may be added abortions, subcutaneous inflammations and a hardened swelling of the womb.
  6. The defect, however, seems to be compensated by a skin of considerable thickness, and a general subcutaneous layer of fat.
  7. The incision should include the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  8. Well adapted to subcutaneous injection, on account of solubility.